The Benchmark in the Iran – USA Relationship

Mahmoud Yazdanfam
The most important events of the last month are as follows: the letter from Obama to the Supreme Leader, the Republicans majority in the midterm Congress election, nuclear talks in Muscat and Vienna.
These events have made grounds that with any progress achieved, one can talk about a new era of relationship between Iran and the USA.
During the last year, relationship between the two countries experienced a tremendous change. In spite of long-lasting and great mistrust, a proper structure of relationship has been created between the foreign ministries of the two countries and now talks between ministers of the two is a normal thing and these talks don’t cause so much sensitivity among people and interest groups.
However, failure of the two sides in settlement of disputes could block the last year’s openings and lead to return to previous tense period. In that case, due to the US domestic developments it could be probably even worse than what it was in the past.
Some influential Senators are opposing Obama’s foreign policy stating that with reopening of the new Congress in January 2015, they intend to revive the US global role. For them, with his shaking policies against the US rivals and enemies,Obama has severely disturbed the US reputation and role in the international arena.
The Republicans are not optimistic about the Iran- US nuclear talks and they announced that the new Congress will set stronger sanctions against Iran and if they acquire 2/3 (two thirds) majority of the Congress, they will prevent the nuclear deal with Iran.
Although resumption of bilateral ties between Iran and the USA faces a lot of obstacles and problems, this deal can contribute to lessening the gap of mutual mistrust between the two sides. Success or failure of nuclear deal is such an important issue in the bilateral relationship that could have a remarkable impact on the victory or defeat of the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees in 2016.