Zionist Regime and Donald Trump’s US

Vahideh Ahmadi
Tensions and strained relations between Israel and the Obama team after the adoption of the Security Council resolution 2234 against Israel reached its peak. While Donald Trump the new president of the US, has acknowledged his devotion to the Zionists in several occasions and unlike Obama administration positions, which recommended cautious steps to Israel, he has promised the Zionists freedom of action, the continuation of aggressive policies as well as a prepared ground for lobbying.
None of the presidential candidates in this US election were considered as a worrying option for Israel. With Bernie Sanders withdrawal of the competition, whose anti-establishment views had targeted Israel, the Zionist lobby and the Jewish investors, the election of each candidate was considered a win-win game for Israel.
Israel didn’t take any official position regarding the candidates during the election campaign but had more confident regarding Clinton’s performance and political future. Hillary enjoyed a long history of supporting Jews and Israel and her determination to support Israel was more practical and more reasonable, while Trump was not considered as a trustworthy character for Israel and the Jews.
Hillary’s support from Israel was an honest and innate one on the basis of her heartfelt beliefs the feature that could not be seen in Trump and this reality was not ignored by the Zionists.
Israel is trying to turn the uncertain prospect of Trump presidency to an opportunity which can most probably be successful due to inexperience of the new resident of the White House.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s ordered to prohibit any meeting between his deputies and the government ministers with the new administration of the US except through the office of the Prime Minister indicates that at present, Israel tries to make a consensus on its requests in the best possible way and then transfer those requests to Trump in a way that the president elect could hear a single political voice on the issues related to Israel.
Israel explicitly planned secret negotiations with the new US administration to exert pressure on Iran and adopt more sanctions during Herzliya Conference.
Although there is a clear contradiction in Trump’s statements on JCPOA but in case of the implementation of such allegations, Israel will be the first party that will benefit.
If the trader Trump fulfill his promises and put more pressure on Iran, Israel won’t need to tolerate the pressures of the EU as well as US Democrats to convince the US president and disturb JCPOA.
Trump is now the most important platform to get feedback and advice on various issues and the parties having most possibility to send their message to Trump and make him understand those messages would be the winners.
Although there are many similarities and common tendencies between the President-elect and Israel, but their perception of events, trends and surrounding world are different from each other. This issue can be seen in the subjects such as Trump isolationism and his tendency towards a low-cost presence in the Middle East far from responding to the expectations of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as the arrangement of Trump’s future team.
If Iran could manage to use the facilities at its disposal (such as Russia and the Europe) to convey its messages to the US based on trade-offs which are acceptable to the White House, and at the same time would use options such as Russia as well as its acceptable regional performance like combating the terrorism in order to widen the understanding gap between Trump and Israel, it would be able to overcome Israel’s future plans.